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Kamae Consulting Hong Kong is born! - Kamae Conseil
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Kamae Consulting Hong Kong is born!

After NG Coaching’s take-over and integration at the end of 2014, the 18th of March 2016 marks another significant milestone in the history of Kamae Conseil, with the opening of its Hong Kong branch, Kamae Consulting.

“In spite of the Chinese market downturn, the Asia-Pacific region still remains for many of our clients a priority growth path. More generally speaking, it represents for them (and therefore for us) a huge growth potential with many new opportunities arising.

Yet, although we benefit from a good knowledge of the region thanks to the thirty assignments we have undertaken in the past eight years in China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Thailand, Korea, Japan and Australia, we are very aware that we need to go further to respond to our clients’ needs.

Indeed, our clients have been asking us increasingly for local solutions to allow them to enjoy the Kamae Conseil expertise while optimising key benefits:

  • Prior knowledge and awareness of their environment and global strategies;
  • Reinforcing the efficiency and effectiveness of the actions undertaken thanks to a better integration of local cultural levers, taking into account the local economic or organisational contexts and delivering contents directly in Cantonese or Mandarin;
  • Greater flexibility for organizing and planning the assignments;
  • Decrease of consultants’ travel expenditure.

To support us throughout our set-up phase, we chose to partner with the French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Hong Kong who assisted us at every key stage of the project: trademark clearance and trade name reservation, company registration, assistance with banking services, domiciliation of the company and provision of secretarial services via its business centre, networking events with must-have contractors (auditor, accountant, insurance), assistance with the logistics required to set up our meetings during our stay in Hong Kong, setting up a business prospect mission to boost our launch…

This partnership with a Chamber of Commerce was a totally new experience for us. The local teams’ availability and effectiveness as well as the quality and relevance of the services offered gave us decisive advantages and allowed us to gain a significant amount of time, meaning we could fully focus on enjoying the beginning of our adventure in Asia.

Similarly, our French bank, CIC, provided us with the support and responsiveness we needed as they facilitated in record time the connection with their local partner, Bank of East Asia.

Once the local structure was set up, we were able to focus on our project’s second phase: meeting and selecting the consultants who will be the best to convey Kamae Consulting’s image, style and tools and intervene at our local clients’ offices. We were much impressed by the quality of the talent and the rich exchanges we had along with our mutual desire to work together are very motivating: we are looking forward to starting actively our collaboration with this new team!”

For any information about the services offered by Kamae Consulting in the Asia-Pacific region, please use the contact form or call directly Ludovic Kosloff-Treister (+336 60 9 91 71) or Alain Treister (+336 23 64 20 04)